Server Rules

1. Have Fun.
This is a game first and foremost. Remember that, because this is a PVP server. That means you *will* die and you *will* lose items you worked hard for. Some days you’ll give a beating, and some days you’ll take one. Smile and don’t take it too seriously – It’s just a game.

2. No hacking, gitching, duping, x-raying, etc. This should be pretty self explanatory. Do not use any mods that give you an advantage above other players. This includes but is not limited to:
– X Ray Mods of ANY type. This includes texture packs or any mod that gives the location of caves or ores.
– Minimaps that show other players
– Autoclick Macros (Fishing macros included)
– Any flying, speed hacking, vanishing, or auto aim mods.
– Apple farming or mob farming in spawn area.
Exploiting any in game weaknesses is considered against the rules. If you have any doubts whether you’re breaking a rule, it is best to ask a staff member.
2.1 Allowed glitches.
– Opening chests/furnaces through a wall.
– Block jumping
– Boating/Enderpearling through an OPENING
– Logging out to avoid fall damage

3. PVP.
This is a PVP server, so expect to get rocked once in a while. Although we consider this a hardcore server, there are still certain things we expect out of our players.
– Combat logging is not allowed.
– We utilize the Combat Tag plugin which prevents a player from logging out after hit in combat. While this plugin is not full proof, we feel as if it suffices in dealing with the combat loggers. If a player logs off before they are “tagged”, they are not considered to be combat logging.
– Combat teleporting IS allowed.
– Camping the Warp Outposts and Spawn border is not allowed.
– Bed camping is only allowed if that person is a threat.  If you are being spawn camped, contact a staff member ***OUTSIDE OF GAMECHAT***. Your best bet in avoiding spawn camping is to log off until you can reach a staff member. As long as you are fighting back, the other players are allowed to kill you.
– Lava placed at another player’s base during a raid must be cleaned up within 12 hours if it is seriously affecting the player’s ability to move around the base. This means it needs to be cleaned up if the lava is touching, covering, surrounding, going into, etc etc another player’s protected area.
– Placing a protection stone in an unprotected area of an enemy’s base is allowed, but be known it is a dick move.

3.1 Setting home within another player’s base
– Setting your home within another player’s base IS allowed, however be warned that it can quickly escalate to either the attacker or defender breaking aforementioned rules regarding camping.
– If an attacker sets their /home in a defender’s protection area, the defender is considered to have the upper hand in the situation. Since the defender has control over the area, he/she has the power to place lava, water, or other blocks which are meant to kill or trap the attacking player. If an attacker is somehow trapped within another player’s base, they must either teleport out OR use /delhome to delete their home. If a player is unable to /delhome (Ie the player finds their /home is now in a lavapool) they may request a staff member to move them to spawn. This will be done at the staff’s member leisure; if you’re smart enough to get yourself stuck in a lava pool we hope you’re smart enough to find a way out.
– If a defender finds an attacker’s teleport spot, they may do whatever it takes to remove that player from their area. If an unarmed player is killed repeatedly just for the purpose of padding their Kill/Death ratio, a staff member may take action against the camping. Please give the dumbass who is stuck in your base the chance to delete their home for the sake of keeping a moderator out of it. If the player who has their /home set continues to zerg (attacking the defender over and over with no weapons/armor) you are permitted to defend yourself.

A warning to all zergers/campers
We as a staff get very tired of dealing with petty complaints regarding spawn camping and zerging. Don’t make it an issue that requires staff involvement or you will be dealing with some very upset staff members.

4. Trade Signs.
Trade signs may ONLY be placed in the black market at spawn. Any trade signs found placed outside of spawn will result in a player being banned.

5. Mob Grinders.
Mob grinders may be built out of mob spawners ONLY. No dark room spawners are allowed. If mob grinders begin to cause unnecessary server lag this rule will be changed in the future.

6. Griefing.
Simply put if you’re protection stone doesn’t cover an area, it doesn’t belong to you. If a block is unprotected and could be of benefit to another player they are allowed to break and steal it. If breaking a block gives the attacker no benefit/block then it would be considered griefing. Don’t destroy dirt/cobble structures and expect us to believe that you “really benefited from taking those blocks.” If you think “decorating” someone’s base with pointless block spam is acceptable, you are wrong.
– Mining away a wall made of stonebrick that is unprotected – OK
– Stealing unprotected chests/furnaces – OK
– Breaking a player’s unprotected glass just for funnsies – Not OK
– Building a tower to obtain access to a sky base, or to use as a mobile base during a raid – OK
– Block spamming a clan’s base because you are butthurt from when they raided you earlier – Not OK
– Placing random pixel art/cobble huts, etc around the map – Not ok.

7. Chat Spam
– All players are given the /ignore command, learn to use it. If a player is pestering you, talking too much, or just being an all around nuisance we ask you to /ignore that player. This will provide a way for the players to actively moderate their own chats to help keep moderator involvement low.
– Is EVERYONE in the public chat annoying the piss out of you? Switch to clan chat (Command is /. join) and turn global chat off (Command is /global off) to only show clan chat.
– Players are not allowed to advertise other servers. This especially applies to posting server IPs; if we feel you are actively advertising another server you will quickly be banned from our servers. If you are unsure if whether what you are saying is considered an advertisement it is best to take it outside of game chat. Server staff doesn’t care if you “Did it by accident” or “Just didn’t realize.” We have a zero advertising policy.
– Those who spam full caps, racist, derogatory, or rage in public chat for five minutes straight will be dealt with by the moderating staff on duty via a /mute. To appeal your mute visit the Ban Court subforum.

8. Punishment.
– If a staff member thinks you are breaking the rules in anyway, you will be temporarily banned or muted until the server owner and moderator who dealt out the punishment can review the evidence provided. Forcing all moderators/admins to provide evidence will prevent innocent players from being punished unnecessarily, or “over moderated.”


The Unknown Problem Clause

If a staff member believes that a player is acting in such a way that is a nuisance to the server or the server’s integrity, they may ban the player until a decision can be made regarding the player’s action. This clause is to be only used if a player is acting in a way that warrants the creation of a new rule, or the amendment of a current rule.

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